




Support for the Boy Scout movement came at The American Legion's first National Convention in 1919. Today, there are more than 2,500 Boy Scout units sponsored by Legion Posts throughout the country.
Supporting Boy Scout activities is natural for Legionnaires, who bring their service-learned skills and experiences as veterans to bear to help build character and positive traits in "Young America." Few other Post activities generate more goodwill from the community
Post 50 proudly supports the Fayette District, Flint River Council, and Boy Scouts of America.
2011 Fayette District Scouting:
1. Boys in the Fayette District earned $30,000 for Camp selling Camp Cards.  
2. 260 boys went to Cub Scout Day camp
3. 25 went to the 1st Twilight camp for Cubs
4. Our current BSA population in Fayette is 2,020 with Boy Scouts, Cubs, Venturing and Explorers.
5. The overall Friends Of Scouting campaign for the whole 8 county Flint River Council is at $142,000 which is $6,000 more than the $136,000 goal.
6. Two Philmont Boy Scout Ranch Trex just returned for Troop 181, each completing 55+ miles and a conservation project.
7. Cub Pack 75 had a float in the 4th of July parade.  Their theme was a camp site.
8. Troop 175 marched in the July 4th Parade.
For more information on how you can support local Scouting;
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